Week 9 -Thankful

The weeks continue to test me and I am continuously reminded through Og that “I welcome obstacles for they are my challenge”, but also, “I acknowledge rewards for they are my due”.  I cannot remember a time in my life that I have been so broke and so wealthy at the same time, nor can I remember a time in my life that I have met so many people without trying and always trusting that what I am attracting and manifesting will one day be clear as my visualization of morning glories that I have planted by seed that cover our shop with millions of these glorious flowers!

The Keys Part 9 speaks to me, especially the ‘perfect’ affirmation.  I have redone my recording to include it and add more enthusiasm throughout.  I continue to tweek my DMP and dream board and rewriting my lost Press Release, all movement in the right direction!

A new chapter begins for me on Monday, again trusting what I am attracting through my practice will lead me where I will to be.


4 thoughts on “Week 9 -Thankful

  1. lorencrazycraigtaylo

    Mary, you are a dynamo – turning obstacles into opportunities, manifesting poppies by the millions, and continuously tweaking and refining your DMP, movie poster, Press Release, recording… Speaking of which, with the help of the Digital Divas I thought you had located your Press Release.

    Anytime you make changes to your DMP, please, send me the updated version. Although you can always ask for comments at any time, I love to see what my tribe members have accomplished, and, in this case, involving your DMP, file it safely away in my documents folder. At this point in the course, it becomes incredibly obvious which members are most likely going to be still on board come graduation time. You are one of those, Mary! But you already know that!



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